Thursday, May 17, 2012

MD5 Hash Cracker

พอดีวันนี้ มีการพูดถึงเรื่อง บรูทพาส กันนิดหน่อย
ก็เลยเอา code แนวๆ brute md5 ที่เคยเขียนไว้มาลงไว้ใน blog หน่อย

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2011 by windows98SE
# This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public
# License, version 2.
# Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute
# this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST
# also distribute the source code.
# See for the full license.
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);

my $debug = 1;
my $debug_report = 5000000;#or 1000000, 99999999999999999 (if you don't want report)
my $start_time = time();
my $end_time;

my $file = 'crackme.txt';
my $cracked_out_file = 'cracked.txt';

my %hashlist = readFile($file);
print "[+] uncracked ".scalar(keys(%hashlist))." hash loaded\n";

my %passlist = (
  #name => aaa-nnn,

  '1 basic' => '000000-999999',
  '2 basic' => '0000000-9999999',
  '3 basic' => '00000000-99999999',

  '4 mobile 081' => '0810000000-0819999999',
  '5 mobile 085' => '0850000000-0859999999',
  '6 mobile 086' => '0860000000-0869999999',
  '7 mobile 089' => '0890000000-0899999999',
  '8 mobile 080' => '0800000000-0809999999',
  '9 bkk_tel' => '0200000000-0299999999',

  '10 az_4' => 'aaaa-zzzz',
  '11 az_5' => 'aaaaa-zzzzz',
  '12 az_6' => 'aaaaaa-zzzzzz',
  '13 az_7' => 'aaaaaaa-zzzzzzz',
  '14 az_8' => 'aaaaaaaa-zzzzzzzz',

foreach my $list (sort keys %passlist){
  my ($start, $stop) = split(/\-/,$passlist{$list});
  print "[+] start crack mode $list : $start - $stop\n";
  &crack_md5hash_list($start, $stop);

print "Time taken was ", time_format(time()-$start_time), "\n";

sub crack_md5hash_list {
  my $count = 1;
  my $start = $_[0];
  my $stop = $_[1];
  foreach my $tmp ($start..$stop){
 if($count%$debug_report==0 && $debug){print "[-] $tmp : uncracked = ".scalar(keys(%hashlist))." ea. ".time_format(time()-$start_time)."\n";}

 my $md5tmp = md5_hex($tmp);
   print "[!] cracked ==> $md5tmp : $tmp (", time_format(time()-$start_time), ")\n";
   open OUTFILE, ">> $cracked_out_file" or die "Can't open $cracked_out_file : $!";
   print OUTFILE "$md5tmp:$tmp\n";
   close OUTFILE;

   if(scalar(keys(%hashlist)) == 0){
  print "[+] cracked done\n";
  $end_time = time();
  print "[+] Time taken was ", time_format(time()-$start_time), "\n";

sub time_format{
  my $return;
  my $time = $_[0];
  return '<1s' if($time < 1);
  my $sec = int($time%60);
  my $min = int($time/60);
  my $hr = int($time/(60*60));
  $return .= "${hr}H:" if($hr);
  $return .= "${min}m:" if($min);
  $return .= "${sec}s" if($sec);
  return $return;

sub readFile{
  my %var;
  my $file = $_[0];
  open F, "<", "$file" or die "[+] Can't open $file : $!";
  my @lines = split (/\r?\n/, $_);
  foreach my $line (@lines){
 $line =~ s/[^\x20-\x7F]//ig;
 $line =~ s/\r|\n//g;
 next if ($line =~ /^#/ig);
 next if (length($line) == 0);
 $var{$line} = 1;
  close F;

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